Exploring the Hidden World of Aspergillus: Microbial Interactions and Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Strategies
| Esplorando il Mondo Nascosto di Aspergillus: Interazioni Microbiche e Nuove Strategie Diagnostiche

Exploring the Hidden World of Aspergillus: Microbial Interactions and Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Strategies Pulmonary aspergillosis is an opportunistic fungal disease caused by Aspergillus, a genus of filamentous molds widely present …

Revolutionizing the Clade Determination of Candida auris: The Breakthrough of “CLADE-FINDER”
| Rivoluzionare la Determinazione dei Cladi di Candida auris: La Svolta di “CLADE-FINDER”

Revolutionizing the Clade Determination of Candida auris: The Breakthrough of “CLADE-FINDER” First identified in Japan in 2009, Candida auris has been reported in over 60 countries, causing numerous outbreaks …

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: History, Evolution, Ethical Impacts, and Future Challenges pt.2/2
| Intelligenza Artificiale in Sanità: Storia, Evoluzione, Impatti Etici e Sfide per il Futuro pt.2/2

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: History, Evolution, Ethical Impacts, and Future Challenges pt.2/2 Impact and Applications of AI in Healthcare Artificial intelligence has significantly impacted the healthcare sector, with applications …

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: History, Evolution, Ethical Impacts, and Future Challenges pt.1/2
| Intelligenza Artificiale in Sanità: Storia, Evoluzione, Impatti Etici e Sfide per il Futuro pt.1/2

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: History, Evolution, Ethical Impacts, and Future Challenges pt.1/2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most significant innovations of the 21st century, transforming …

Comparison Between Gene Panels and Whole Exome Sequencing: Why Whole Exome Sequencing Might Be the Better Choice
| Confronto tra Pannelli Genici e Whole Exome Sequencing: Perché il Whole Exome Sequencing potrebbe essere la Scelta Migliore

 Comparison Between Gene Panels and Whole Exome Sequencing: Why Whole Exome Sequencing Might Be the Better Choice In recent years, next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become one of the primary …

Giornata Mondiale delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili: Consapevolezza, Prevenzione e Cura
| World Sexually Transmitted Infections Day: Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment

 Giornata Mondiale delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili: Consapevolezza, Prevenzione e Cura Panoramica Generale Le malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST), conosciute anche come infezioni sessualmente trasmissibili (IST), rappresentano una sfida importante per …